HomeMusic ReviewsEvects - 'Truth N' Lies' Remix

Evects – ‘Truth N’ Lies’ Remix

Truth N’ Lies is the latest release from German-artist Evects and is now available on all streaming platforms.

What’s the truth? What’s the lies? How even knows that for sure. Aren’t we all cought in our own ‘bubble’ and can’t really see the whole thing? How could we though? There are so many different kinds of people with different experiences and points of view. And then all the media, that make it hard for us to find the truth. Do kids have this problem too? No, and that’s why I think we should be kid again every now and then and not think about all the problems and just ‘dance them off’. This song was composed in 2015 and developed over the years.

Check out the song below:

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