HomeInterviewsAn Interview Justin Angelo Morey

An Interview Justin Angelo Morey

Born and raised in Jersey City, Justin Angelo Morey is a highly innovative and compelling lead singer, songwriter, and former bass guitar player for the mod-rock/garage and rock/psych-rock revival band, the Black Hollies. He has an impressive inventory of successes throughout his musical career, which has become the catalyst for his new solo journey, cultivating empowering music that leaves lasting impressions.

We spoke with Justin about his history with music, new tracks, production process, and what’s to come.

When and why did you become a musician?
My mother had(and still continues to have) this massive record collection. There was all kinds of music coming out of those big old stereo speakers. I recall particularly hearing The Beatles and what’s considered to be the “British Invasion” ie The Rolling Stones, The Zombies, The Kinks, The Who, The Yardbirds. Lots of 60’s R&B/Tamla/Motown/soul music. Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Black Sabbath, AC/DC/etc(to name a few) having an incredible affect on me. There were instruments throughout our apartment and whenever someone was playing one, I was immediately drawn in. We had these big Sunday dinners and afterwards usually my father and uncle would get the guitars and start playing old blues songs on the staircase. I hold these recollections very close to my heart. Shortly before I was a teenager my uncle showed me three chords and that was it. I absorbed everything like a sponge and still continue to do so today.

Justin Angelo Morey Music

For those who don’t know, how long have you been making music and how would you describe your style?
For as long as I can remember. When I was young prior to even knowing how to play instruments, I’d create songs with my sister. We had this silly song called, “Liberty and Harmony”. I guess we thought it could be this big group chant type of chorus. The lyrics were all about bringing people together. You know, the typical heavy stuff kids write when you’re young. Hahaha! “We’re gonna change the world with this one!” It was very “Love Train” meets “We Are the World” meets the theme song to a local commercial that would sing, “Im really glad they made the Children’s Aid Society…”. We never got a chance to record it but I’d like to believe one day. We’ve still got some time.

As far as style goes, I listen to all types of music and simply view music and good and bad. Although my deep appreciation leans heavily towards more obscure music, I still appreciate songs that are popular and everything in between. They just have to contain that special something that grabs me.

Who or what inspires you to make music?
Since the first time that we met, my wife Ash has been and still continues to be my one and only muse. She’s always there for me and doesn’t hesitate to tell me when something sounds like garbage. I truly appreciate her honesty and she’s a songwriter/musician in her own right. Her contributions are absolutely brilliant and I’m beyond grateful.

What can you tell us about your upcoming upcoming?
I’m really proud of this one. I’ve been fortunate to record at our friend, Dennis Pierce’s(Silent Stereo) home studio up the street over in Journal Square. He’s incredible to work with on so many levels, not to mention he’s a brilliant musician and we share the same warped sense of humor. We constantly bounce ideas and spend a large portion of the time laughing and joking around. It’s truly a safe space for me and all parties involved.

So much went into capturing both the digital A Side and B Side. “I Want Your Love” features my great friends/old band mates. It took some time to commit to a date where everyone was available. I also should note that I didn’t tell anyone that they would all be playing together on the same session. When I contacted each of them I’d simply asked if they were free to help me out on a song. Hahaha!

It was a great experience and created nice memories. “Waving Hello” was captured in stages and really didn’t begin to come together until the final phases prior to mixing. We were finishing up the vocals and some ideas that I had when I’d originally written the song re-entered my mind and we found creative ways to record them all. We’re recording to tape using only 8 tracks so it requires some deep planning and I’m beyond happy how it all turned out. I’m trying to incorporate my close musician friends on sessions in order to capture the memories to tape. Something to remember me by I suppose.

How did it come about and what do you hope listeners take away from it?
Ash was actually the catalyst. She was listening to some of my old song demos and basically said to me, “you’ve got to record these…”. I asked Den if he had any availability and shortly afterward we began recording the foundations. We had managed to build up quite a number of them and eventually started to apply the colors. Unfortunately, like everyone else, when the pandemic arrived, the brakes stopped everything dead in it’s tracks. When the restrictions lifted, we picked up where we left off. With music being a form of therapy, I hope that I’m able to provide listeners with some kind of temporary escape from reality. Whether it amps you up and makes everything feel good all over or it mellows you out and takes you to a good place, I’d be happy knowing it produced one or the other.

What is your typical songwriting/music-making process like?
It honestly varies with each and every one. They’re all in my head and I have absolutely zero formal music training. I’m self taught and pick things up by ear, so trying to get it to come out right always presents a challenge. But I’ve become used to these obstacles and they’re never alike so it constantly forces me to apply all sorts of different problem solving skills to the test. Sometimes I’ll hear these drum parts and it’s a matter of trying to find the right music that makes it fit. Other times it’s a melody that works well with the drum phrasing and then chords begin to appear, but it takes forever to find the right words. I just never know what I’m going to get myself into when the sounds appear.

Where would be your dream venue to perform at and why?
The Larry Sanders show? Good question. Unfortunately Jonny Carson and the Late Show with David Letterman are no longer on today. I don’t know, it’s more than highly unlikely that such an opportunity would ever arise for me but, Saturday Night Live? Why? Because it’s always been one of those places I’ve dreamed about since I first saw the show as a kid.

How has your city influenced your music?
I’m firm believer that you’re a product of your environment. In my single “I Want Your Love” for example, the opening line speaks of a feeling so many of us in Hudson County experience on a regular basis. Waiting to catch a PATH train back home from NYC. “Waving Hello” on the other hand is actually autobiographical. All three characters mentioned are in fact real and the circumstances a merely my observations captured at different times.
My day job is located in a bordering town south of Jersey City called Bayonne. There’s the florist, Anthony right next door. Fu Hing is a Chinese take out place across the street while the Uptown Diner is over on 53rd St.

What’s your favorite track to perform?
Well this project is all very new and there haven’t been any live events. But when I pick up the guitar, it wouldn’t be unusual to find me playing and singing, “Waving Hello”. I like the strumming, especially when I’m using my 12-string Rickenbacker.

What’s next for you?
I’m taking it one day at a time but I certainly plan to continue recording and releasing more songs. Hopefully people will appreciate them once they’re all released.

What’s the best thing people can do to support you?
If you like what you’re hearing, please spread the word. I’m truly grateful for the fans supporting my musical output. It truly means the world to me. Be kind to others and stay safe out there.

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