HomeInterviewsAn Interview with Clubhouse

An Interview with Clubhouse

We spoke with the rising act Clubhouse about their new single ‘Weekend’ and what’s to come. Read more to learn about Clubhouse.

Can you share some background to how Clubhouse started?   How you did you all meet and what prompted you to collaborate?
Ari, Zak, and Max grew up in the same hometown and have been close since middle school, and played in some cover bands together in high school. All three attended Ohio University where they met Mike, who was visiting from Ohio State. Mike introduced Forrest to everyone soon after that. We’ve all been collaborating together since!

Clubhouse Music

What’s your biggest aspiration as a band?
Short term, we’d like to keep recording new music and release an EP!

What can you tell us about your upcoming single “Weekend?” How did the song come about?
The track came together really quickly and naturally with everyone in the studio! We were having so much fun recording the song and wanted that feeling to come through musically.

What else does 2020 have in store for you musically?
We will definitely be releasing a lot more music, so stay tuned!

Could you briefly describe your music making process?
It’s very collaborative. Usually one of us writes a demo themselves and then they send it to the rest of us, then we all take it and run with it. Lately with quarantine, we’ve been relying on Zoom and Facetime to write together.

What has been the high point of your music career so far?
One of the high points was performing at Firefly Music Festival in 2017. We had an amazing experience there and would love to return soon!

What’s your favorite track to perform?
Lately we’ve been jamming to Anywhere You Go!

What’s the best thing people can do to support you?  
Just keep listening and sharing our music if you like it! The support from our fans has always been a huge factor in our success.

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