HomeInterviewsAn Interview with Siggie The Vintage Man

An Interview with Siggie The Vintage Man

Combine Merle Haggard, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, John Prine and Townes Van Zandt together and you get The V Man. Siggies performances live are a combination of originals, covers, storytelling and his interaction with the audience makes for a fun time for all that will keep you clapping singing and stomping. Read our full interview Siggie below:

– After 45 years away from the music world, what triggered you to make your return?
Well even though I did not play or own an instrument for all those years I still caught a lot of shows so music was / is in my blood. I was getting ready to retire and needed a hobby so what turned out to be a hobby is now a full-time job (and it pays), but I have worked very hard to make up for all that lost time.

– What inspires you to create songs?
The feelings one gets is something that some people apply to film, poetry and music and many other avenues of expression and it all interwinds within how you express it. I get inspired by everyday events and life in general and as a singer songwriter I see it, I feel It and I write it.

– Could you describe your music making or song-writing process?
Well one thing I can say the song writing process can take forever to finish a song and sometimes it will be done very fast. Many times, I can get the process going right away but cannot finish it the way I would like so it is shelved till I can get the mojo back again. When the right thought or feeling hits, the green light goes on and you continue with the process. Many musicians will tell you sometimes it took years to write a song that you are happy with.

– What can you tell us about your latest release, “From Where I Need To Be?”
It’s a love letter written from a musician that’s been on the road for quite a while and he just wants to get back home and repair the not so good relationship with his wife and family. The road is lonely in itself but when you have a challenged home front it leaves a lot of uncertainties rolling around in your mind.

– What do you hope listeners take away from it?
Relate and Be touched by it and for all those folks that are on/and have been on the road in any type of profession those hotel rooms all look the same and to have nothing to look forward to when it ends is a sad story in itself.

– What do you have on the horizon musically in the near future?
Well since the great pandemic broke out, I have been writing songs, trying to get all my social sites fine-tuned and working on my home recording studio so soon down the road I will be releasing some new material/videos. I hope to do some virtual concerts down the road as well and I prefer to wait a bit since everyone is doing them at the moment.

All streaming and social links for Siggie can be found here.


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