HomeMusic ReviewsLos Angeles Singer-Songwriter Channels His Kosovan Roots in Debut Modern Rock Album

Los Angeles Singer-Songwriter Channels His Kosovan Roots in Debut Modern Rock Album

Los Angeles based modern rock artist, Skender Beck, will release his debut full length album STARS ALIGNED on 10-14-20. The album calls on Beck’s life experience as a child growing up in Kosovo, during a time when the country’s civil unrest was at its worst.

Beck eventually migrated to the United States to follow his dream of becoming an actor and continued to perform in bands as a hobby, though it wasn’t until recently that Beck finally decided to act on his desire to write and record his own songs.

Beck’s music can be defined as theatrical arena rock, highlighting his strong and dynamic vocals which can be compared to singers like Brandon Flowers from The Killers. Lonny Paul, guitarist from the band Adler, described Beck’s sound as “a modern day Pink Floyd with a little Dire Straits influence.”

While the album title suggests luck in the “stars aligning”, it is Beck’s unwavering desire to never give up on his dreams that truly brought this record into existence.

The songs on the record are a culmination of Beck’s story and present circumstances, and after years of these songs swirling around in his mind, Beck finally decided to bring them to life. He wrote the lyrics, sang the vocals, and arranged the instrumentation himself, though he collaborated with professional studio musicians to help him perfect the guitars, bass, drums, and keyboards/synths for the recording. For several of the songs on the album, Beck worked with Grammy-nominated mix engineer Marc DeSisto, whose accolades include working with classic rock legends like Pink Floyd and U2. Lonny Paul, guitarist from the band Adler, also noted Beck’s modern take on classic rock, stating that it reminds him of “….a modern day Pink Floyd with a little Dire Straits influence. Great songs, and production.” While the album title suggests luck in the “stars aligning”, Beck’s passion for music, life experiences, and hard work are the main factors that brought this album into existence.

Pre-Order the album now via Apple Music:

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